This canyon was on the way to our hotel in Green River, Utah. Dad took us there not only to show me "the middle of nowhere", but also because it's where he said he saw more stars than he's ever seen before. He wanted to show them to me. But, just like with Pike's Peak, the sky wasn't helping out. Instead there was practically a sand storm which was almost cooler than looking at stars because it was so different. I've seen stars.
After dinner, Dad and I drove down this dark and empty desert road hoping to see a star or two. I saw Jupiter for a second behind a lot of haze. But other than that, there was just the sound of wind and nothing else. That was neat. A little scary, but neat anyway.
I like that Dad drove down this road in the "middle of nowhere" at night. I thanked him and he got all surprised saying he didn't know I was such an explorer. Yeah, DUH!! Maybe he might let me explore a little more now.