Here is a picture of me looking up at how much more rock I'm going to have to climb. I made it all the way to the top (with a lot of cheering on from Dad, the climbing teacher and some other climbers.) Dad made it to the top four times. Guess he's not such a scardy wuss after all.
Rock climbing looks like a lot more fun than it is.'s a lot of work! It sure is cool looking around when you get to the top, though. And, you feel pretty cool about yourself when you make it up there.
After rock climbing, we drove to Colorado Springs through some really, really pretty country. There were some super wide open spaces with giant snow-covered mountains on each side.
When we got to Colorado Springs we were supposed to take a train that goes to the top of Pike's Peak that's, like, 14,000 feet up. But just when we got to the where the train was, a storm started and Dad thought we'd better not go. Of course, about thirty minutes later everything was as clear as ever. Another great Dad decision. Actually, he was more disappointed that we didn't go than I was. After all, the hotel had a pool!