Dad said that getting to Los Angeles was just going to be a long drive with nothing to do. NOT! Instead, he decided to go off the highway and down Route 66 for a while. I thought of the movie "Cars". But it wasn't like this. After a few miles we were in the middle of the desert on snakey, cracking roads that almost fell off the edges of the rocks they were carved out of. It was 113 degrees here!

We stopped in the only town for 75 miles -- Oatman, Arizona. When the miners quit working there years ago, they left behind their burrows which are
still there. They wander in the street begging for food. I think I fed them three bags of carrots. The signs said that they might bite or kick. But all they did was eat and get petted a lot. Especially by me.
After we left Oatman, I played my Gameboy while Dad drove and drove. When we got to Los Angeles at dark, Dad started freakin' again saying that the traffic was crazy. I didn't notice. Just a bunch of cars like any other city.
When we got to the hotel, the pool was still open. Yay!! There was a couple of other boys swimming, too -- Parker and Ryan. We had fun 'til they had to close the pool.
Tomorrow we go to Universal. I have no idea what that's all about.